Our cold, wet spring has put us a few weeks behind, but we finally got MOST of our daycare garden planted today and had lots of fun doing it!  We still have a few things to add over the next couple of days because I wanted to  make sure those that weren't here today can get in on this too.  Today we planted carrots, peas, green beans, corn, sunflowers, and some tomato plants.  We still hope to get in our lettuce, spinach, pumpkins, a couple more tomato plants, and some potatoes in the next couple of days.
I have had so much fun learning right along with the kids!  This will be our first year trying potatoes, so we'll see how that goes and what we learn from that! :)
I also set out a box of dirt with some of last year's leftover seeds and gardening tools for the kids to play around with and they really enjoyed that, especially after we had finished the "real" planting.
Hopefully the forecasted rain will help out our new garden and we will get some warm weather to help it grow, too.  I really love watching the kids see their seeds grow and getting to harvest their vegetables, too!