    Here is our first Halloween craft for the year - TP roll mummies!  I absolutely loved this craft because it didn't matter if they were an add one-and-done kind of kid, or a more and more and more kind of kid; a neat and careful, or a scruncher; a quick crafter, or a slow one, they all turned out great!  The differences make them look even cuter all side by side.  We just used tp rolls, strips of white tissue paper, some white yarn if they wanted, and some wiggle eyes.  A fun way to get in the mood for Halloween! 
    We also added a couple more songs into our rotation today.  Here is one of their favorites:
    THE WITCH HAS AN ITCH  (to the tune of Farmer in the Dell)
    The witch has an itch, the witch has an itch.
    Oh where, oh where, oh where does the witch have an itch?
    On her tiny little _________ (fill in with things like toe, nose, knee, etc.), her tiny little _________, 
    The witch has an itch on her tiny little _________.

They also really liked:
    I saw a ghost             (circle your fingers around eyes)
    He saw me too          (point to yourself)
    I waved at him           (wave your hand)
    But he said, "Boo!"      (try to scare the person next to you!)



09/13/2012 07:47

I really appreciate your work especially the research part of it which made the whole point very easy to understand.

10/24/2012 00:05

Found this blog from Weebly's index, nice!


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